Yakuza Princess
Yakuza Princess is an upcoming Brazilian action thriller film directed by Vicente Amorim, with an screenplay by Amorim, Fernando Toste, Kimi Lee and Tubaldini Shelling, based on the graphic novel Samurai Shiro by Danilo Beyruth. The film stars Masumi, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Eijiro Ozaki, and Kenny Leu.
Directed by | Vicente Amorim |
Written by | |
Based on | Samurai Shiro by Danilo Beyruth |
Produced by | - Tubaldini Shelling
- Andre Skaf
Starring | - Masumi
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers
- Tsuyoshi Ihara
- Eijiro Ozaki
Cinematography | Gustavo Hadba |
Edited by | Danilo Lemos |
Music by | - Lucas Marcier
- Fabiano Krieger
Production companies | - Tubaldini Shelling
- Andre Skaf
- Filmland International
Distributed by | - XYZ Films
- Magnet Releasing (U.S)
Country | Brazil |
Language | English |
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