Project Power
Project Power is a 2020 American superhero film directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, produced by Eric Newman and Bryan Unkeless, and written by Mattson Tomlin. It stars Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Dominique Fishback, alongside Colson Baker, Rodrigo Santoro, Amy Landecker and Allen Maldonado, and follows a drug dealer, a police officer, and a former soldier who team up to stop the distribution of a pill that gives the user superpowers for five minutes.
Torrent file
- CategoryMovies
- TypeHD
- LanguageEnglish
- Total size1 GB
- CategoryMovies
- TypeHD
- LanguageEnglish
- Total size2.1 GB
Project Power 2020 English Full Movie Full Movie Download 1080p
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