"Ava is a 2020 American action thriller film directed by Tate Taylor and written by Matthew Newton. The film stars Jessica Chastain, John Malkovich, Common, Geena Davis, Colin Farrell, Ioan Gruffudd and Joan Chen."
"Ava is a 2020 American action thriller film directed by Tate Taylor and written by Matthew Newton. The film stars Jessica Chastain, John Malkovich, Common, Geena Davis, Colin Farrell, Ioan Gruffudd and Joan Chen."
Directed by | Tate Taylor |
Written by | Matthew Newton |
Produced by |
Starring |
Cinematography | Stephen Goldblatt |
Edited by | Zach Staenberg |
Music by | Bear McCreary |
Production companies |
Distributed by | Vertical Entertainment |
Release date |
Running time | 97 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Box office | $3.3 million |
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