Annette is a 2021 musical romantic drama film directed by Leos Carax (in his English-language debut), and with a screenplay by Ron Mael and Russell Mael of Sparks, and Carax, from an original story, music and songs by the band. The plot follows a stand-up comedian (Adam Driver) and his opera singer wife (Marion Cotillard) and how their lives are changed when they have their first child; Simon Helberg and Devyn McDowell also star.
Directed by | Leos Carax |
Screenplay by | - Ron Mael
- Russell Mael
- Leos Carax
Story by | |
Produced by | - Charles Gillibert
- Paul-Dominique Win Vacharasinthu
- Adam Driver
Starring | - Adam Driver
- Marion Cotillard
- Simon Helberg
- Devyn McDowell
- Angèle
Cinematography | Caroline Champetier |
Edited by | Nelly Quettier |
Music by | |
Production companies | - CG Cinema
- Detailfilm
- Eurospace
- Scope Pictures
- Wrong Men
Distributed by | - UGC Distribution (France)
Release date | - 6 July 2021 (Cannes)
- 7 July 2021 (France)
Running time | 139 minutes |
Countries | |
Languages | |
Budget | $15.5 million |
Box office | $2.6 million |
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